One evening Crystal and Victoria decided to take Teagan and Matthew for a ride in the wagon. Well, you can see by the first picture how long that lasted.

Teagan seemed OK with it, but apparently as soon as they put Matthew in it he started crying

So Clara and Teagan got a ride around the neighborhood

Clara is a good helpr and she was there to make sure nithing happened to Teagan

But noe Teagan wasn't sure if she liked the wagon either.

Then she thought maybe she did

But Matthew liked the car much better, especially when his daddy turns him real fast

Teagan thought it looked pretty cool too

But Matthew was determined he was going to drive it by himself

So Teagan just watched

And watched somemore

Finally she sais, "Ive had enough. I want to drive the car!" And stood up in the wagon. Good thing Clara was there

Her mom told her to sit down but he was still looking at that car

And was a little sad she couldn't ride in it

But they finally managed to get Matthew to sit in the wagon

And even got him to laugh by tickling him, nearly knocking poor Teagan down.

So off they went for another ride

"Hey, look at that neat road down there!"

Matthew still wasn't completely sure about this wagon

But maybe it wasn't too bad

Then again, maybe it's time to come out

I said I thik it might be time to come out

"Here, watch Matthew. I'll throw these blocks out and someone will have to pick them up. "

"Um, Mom, Dad, it's really time to get out of this wagon."

Teagan didn't mind--she enjoyed the ride and gave a beautiful smile

Matthew, just be patient. They'll take us out when they're ready. Geeeeeezzzzz"

That neat road is still down there

"If they don't take me out, I'll just jump out."
"Oh, Matthew, don't be so dramatic"

"I'm telling you, I'm going to jump!"
"Huh? Oh, yeah, ok, whatever"

"See, Matthew, I told you we'd get home safe."

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