In May of 2010 we learned we had a fourth grandchild. her name is Teagan Cathleen and she was born July 20, 2009 weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. Apparently, at first, our son was very happy about Teagan. He was at the hospital whane she was born, bought her things, and did what new dads do. But soon after, for reason known only to him, he decided he did not want to be a father and walked away from this beautiful baby. I am amazed at how well Teagan's other grandmother and Teagan's mother speak of our son. I have no idea why he did what he did, and at this poitn he is not even speaking to us nor do we even know where he is. Hopefully one day, before it is too late, he will wake up and realize what he is missing.
Teagan's mother teaches ice skating and they live in Alaska. She was goign to an even in California and Victoria, our daughter, invited her to visit Victoria and her family. Victoia also invited me to come and meet my Granddaughter, and I did. I don;t know when I will see Teagan again, but I cerainly enjoyed this trip and meeting bother Teagan and her mother. They are beautiful people inside and out. And I say the same of Teagan's grandmother, whom I have only talked to a few times on the phone. So without farther delay Meet Teagan Cathleen

I was amazed when I first saw her how much she looks like both my son and me.

She plays well with other children and is a happy baby

This is Crystal, Teagan's mother, Teagan in the back And Matthew Stein, my daughter's son

She knows how to entertain herself well. She does not need everyone's attention all the time. We were surprised she left the 4th of July Ribbons in. She usually took them out immediately

She is a freidnly baby. A t first she was a little overwhelmed at all the stranges but she soon warmed up to us

She loved playing with the other kids too

And has some of the most wonderful facial expressions I've ever seen

Just having a good time

Would you like to play?

Or not...

We tried to talk her mother into gertting her a dog. (Crystal is alleergic to dogs) so Teagan could help feed him just like she did Clemson

Clemson was thrilled. Four kids in teh house and there was always SOMETHING on the floor

Or the tray.....

But Clemson was so thankful he let Teagan take a little rest on him.

Doesn't she have beautiful eyes?

Just look at them--big and blue.

Just wait until she's sixteen and does this!!

A beautiful, beautiful little girl

I don;t know how we got so many of her not smiling. She usually smiled and laughed a lot

But smiling or not she still is a wonderful little girl

She was interested in everything

ANd was always a good girl

I think this is a repeat

I was surprised she did so well with so many strangers around. She even slept well

Well, hello

She loved to pick the clover in the grass

And like most babaies most things went in her mouth

She could spend quite some time taking eveerythng out of the toy box, then when she couldn't reach anything else, she'd put it all back in.

Playing with the toy box

She let me hold her and would even smile when I did

At other times she wasn't too sure

But I did get to hold her

She loves strawberries

And enjoyed the mess they made

She thought it was funny. Oh, and all four of the kids had matching tattoos for the 4th of July

That is really a good strawberry

Another repeat

Now let's get the strawberry juice in our hair

And wash our neck and ears

OHHHHHHHH That was fun!!!

Think I'll eat another
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