Matthew is a very happy baby and only really cries when he's hungry or needs his diaper changed. Clara and Jonathan seem to really love him, at times almost too much. Below are some pictures of Matthew.

I got to feed him (Victoria's least favorite job) and give him his bottle. I had to learn the correct way to hold him to give him the bottle.

These pictures were of Matthew trying to catch the water as it came out of the Silp and Slide. It kept him busy for about 20 minutes. Maybe he was just thirsty.

What are these things. They squirt and they're wet. Need to check them out.

Actually they are rather fun

Either it is hotter today or this water isan't as cold.

If I could just get hold of one of these things.

And you think this is funny, huh?

I'll just ignore her and maybe she'll go away.

Is she still there?

Gee, these thngs just squirt you all over.

Maybe if I do a whole lot of them at once

This is getting to be real work

But actually kind of fun

This is really getting interesting

Maybe it's a fountain and I can get a drink. You know they say "water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink."

That didn;t work well.

They really look kind of pretty. Sure do wish I could catch one

Wow. Almost had it.

Actually I like my pool better. Mom fills it with warm water.

But I gotta check this out.You start here, then you have to makeit to the other end--how silly

That's a long way to go when you're crawling

Well, here goes nothing

So far, so good

Have to take a rest

Look aroound and make sure someone is watching

Oh yeah, there they are. I got them captured.

Maybe I'll just chew on this for a while

Oh, I can pull Clara's hair

I see you!!!!

More of Clara

Finally I'm by myself

Oh, wow! Look at that!

Clara's back.

You can put your hand in but don't you get in my pool!

Oh, Hi. I didn't see you there.

Maybe if I make faces at her she'll stop taking all those stupid pictures.

Not working.

Gimme that

Hey. Take that camera someplace else for a while.

Bear Crawl. This grass is itchy

Continue my bearcrawl

Gets me where I want to go
I also know how to climb out of this pool when I want

Theses things are fun to chew on


Just looking

I'm just the coolest thing you know

I'm beginning to get bored

Really b

Oh, finally, someone's comeing to get me

Maybe I'll float on my belly

Found it again

Wonder what's down here?

There must be smething
Maybe I'll wait for another day.
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