Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Random Pictures

These are just random pictures we took of everyone while we we in California. They are in no particular order, nor were they necessarily when we were doing tourist things or anything special. Enjoy. Clara

Jonathan is not always the most congenial person when he first wakes up from his nap


Victoria and Jonathan

Matthew and Monica

Matthew and Monica

Matthew, Victoria and Jonathan

Clara and her mother had a deal--if Clara learned to ride her bike she could have a Miley Cyrus tape. The tape went with us everywhen in the car and Clara knew the words to all the songs

Clara singing along

Not only could she sing the songs, she knew the hand motions too

Monica feeding Jonathan

We even took pictures of Clemson (who became my BFF because he was getting no attention from anynone and when he came to me I'd pet him) and. . .


Monica feeding Matthew

Jonathan loved holding Matthew

Jonathan would hold Matthew as long as he was allowed

Clara loved holding Matthew too.
And she did a very good job of it.

She knew just what to do


Matthew, Monica, Clara and Jonathan

Matthew, Monica, Clara and Jonathan

Matthew, Monica, Clara, Jonathan and Michael

Monica, Clara, Jonathan, Michael and Matthew

Clara, Jonathan, Michael and Matthew

Clara, Jonathan, Michael and Matthew

Clara, Jonathan, Michael, Matthew

Monica, Matthew and Michael

Monica, my BFF Clemson, Matthew, and Michael

Monica, my BFF Clemson, Matthew, and Michael

Front: Jonathan and Victoria; middle: Clara, Back: Monica, Matthew, and Michael

Monica, Matthew, Michael, Clara, Jonathan and Victoria

Matthew and Michael

Jonathan, Matthew, Clara and Victoria

Jonathan, Matthew, Clara and Victoria

Clemson, Jonathan, Matthew, Victoria and Clara

Clemson, Jonathan, Matthew, Victoria and Clara

My BFF Clemson, Monica, Clara, Victoria, Matthew and Jonathan

My BFF Clemson, Monica, Clara, Victoria, Matthew, and Jonathan

Michael and Matthew

Michael and Matthew

Michael and Matthew

Jonathan and Matthew

Jonathan and Matthew

Jonathan and Matthew

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