On the way to Monterey we drove on the El Camino Real. What brought my attention to the fact we were on a historical road was I noticed every mile or two there was a bell, so eventually I had to research what it all meant.
- Interstate 5, U.S.-Mexico border to Anaheim
- Anaheim Boulevard, Harbor Boulevard, State Route 72 and Whittier Boulevard, Anaheim to Los Angeles
- U.S. ROute 101, Los Angeles to San Jose
- State Route 82, San Jose to San Francisco
- Interstate 280, San Francisco
- U.S. Route 101, San Francisco to Novato
- State Route 37, Novato to Sears Point
- State Route 121, Sears Point to Sonoma
- State Route 12, Sonoma
East Bay Route
- State Route 87, Pass through Santa Clara County and Alameda County
- State Rout 92
- State Route 238
- State Route 185, Hayward to Oakland
- State Route 123, Oakland to San Pablo (continued to Martinez)
Some older local roads that parallel these routes also have the name. Many streets throughout California today bear the name of this famous road, often with little factual relation to the original; but Mission Street in San Francisco and its counterpart in Santa Cruz do correspond to the historical route. A surviving, unpaved stretch of the road has been preserved next to the old Spanish mission in San Juan Bautista; this road actually follows part of the San Andreas Fault.
In 1892, Anna Pitcher (of Pasadena, California) initiated an effort to preserve the as-yet uncommemorated route of Alta California's Camino Real, an effort adopted by the California Federation of Women's Clubs in 1902. Modern El Camino Real was one of the first state highways in California. Given the lack of standardized road signs at the time, it was decided to place distinctive bells along the route, hung on supports in the form of an 11-foot high shepherd's crook, also described as "a San Francisco walking stick." The first of the 450 bells was unveiled on August 15, 1906 at the Plaza Church in the Pueblo near Olvera Street in Los Angeles.
The original organization which installed the bells fragmented, and the Automobile CLub of Southern California and associated groups cared for the bells from the mod-1920s through 1931. The state took over bell maintenance in 1933. Most of the bells eventually disappeared due to vandalism, theft or simple loss due to the relocation or rerouting of highways and roads. After a reduction in the number of bells to around 150, the State began replacing them, at first with concrete, and later with iron. A design first produced in 19t6 by Justin Kramer of Los Angeles was the standard until the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) began a restoration effort in 1996.
Keith Robinson, Principle Landscape Architect at Caltrans developed and El Camino Real restoration program which resulted in installation of 555 El Camino Real Bell Markers in 2005. The Bell MArker consists of a 460 mm diameter cast metal bell set atop a 75 mm diameter Schedule 40 pipe column that is attached to a concrete foundation unsin anchor rods. The original 1906 bell molds were used to fabricate the replacement bells. The replacement and original bells were produced by the California Bell Company, are dated 1769 to 1906, and include a designer's copyright notice.
- Mission San Francisco Salano, in Sonoma
- Mission San Rafael Arcangel, in San Rafael
- Mission San Francisco de Asis (Mission Delores), in San Francisco
- Mission San Jose, in Freemont
- Mission Santa Clara de Aisis, in Santa Clara
- Mission Santa Cruz, in Santa Cruz
- Mission San Juan Bautista, in San Juan Bautista
- Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo, South of Carmel
- Mission Nuestra Senora de la Soledad, south of Soledad
- Mission San Antonio de Padua, northwest of Jolon
- Mission San Miguel Arcangel in San Miguel
- Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolsa, in San Luis Obispo
- Mission La Purisima COnception, northeast of Lampoc
- Mission Santa Ines, in Salvong
- Mission Santa Barbara, in Santa Barbara
- MIssion San Buenaventure, in Ventura
- MIssion San Fernando Rey de Espana, in MIssion Hills (Los Angeles)
- Mission San Gabriel Arcangel, in San Gabriel
- Mission San Juan Capistrano, in San Juan Capistrano
- Mission San Juis Rey de Francis, in Oceanside
- Mission San Diego de Alcada, in San Diego
- El Presidio Real de San Diego--founded on July 16, 2769. Responsible for the defense of all installations located within the First Military District (the missions at San Diego, San Luis Rey, San Juan Capistrano, and San Gabriel)
- El Prisidio Rewal de Santa Barbara--founded on April 12, 1782. Responsible for the defense of all installatons within the Second Military District (the missions at San Francisco, San Buenaventura, Santa Barbara, Santa Ines, and La Purisima along with El Pueblo de Neustra Senora la Reina de los Angeles del Rio de Porciuneula [Los Angeles])
- El Prisidio Real de San Carlos de Monterey (El Castillo)--founded on June 3, 1770. Responsible for the defense of all installations within the Third Military District (the missions at San Luis Obispo, San Miguel, San Antonio, Soledad, San Carlos and San Juan Bautista, along with Villa Branceforle [Santa Cruz].)
- El Prisidio Real de San Francisco--founded on December 17, 1776. Responsible for the defense of all installations within the Fourth Military District (the missions at Santa Cruz, San JOse, Santa Clara, San Francisco, San Rafael and Solano, along with El Pueblo de san Jose de Guadalupe [San Jose])
1 comment:
Hello Grandma!
I got to your blog because of the picture you have of Bells at Camino Real. I would like to call you atention on the original Camino Real, the one who was first constructed by hispaniards. As you know they was ambicious people looking for gold mainly, such ambition make them to construct more than 3000 kilometers all the way form Mexico City thru the recently discover mines in the north so they go to Pachuca, Guanajuato, Zacatecas, Durango, Chihuahua to end at Santa Fe in the USA, at the time all that land was part of the New Spain, that long camino was called CAMINO REAL DE TIERRA ADENTRO, then the people star to call CAMINO DE LA PLATA (silver road) because of all those tons of silver pass by Zacatecas all the way south.
¿Do you want to get surprised? take a look to my blog, probably you do not read Spanish, but the pics will let you know the story.
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