Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Square Root Day!!!!

I am off from work today, but had to go in this morning for a meeting of a committee I'm on. At 0645 my alarm went off, and for a few minutes I was a little confused--I'm used to my alarm going off at 1730, so when I saw the 6:45 on my clock I thought I had 15 minutes to get to work. I then realized it was mornng, not evening, and I did not have to go to work but to this silly meeting. I got up and turned on the TV to listen to the news while I got dressed. The first thing I heard was that is was in the 20's outside. At this point I wanted to crawl back under the blankets and just stay warm. The only good thing about 20 degrees is that in South Carolina that kind of weather doesn't last long, and it won't this week either. By Thursday it is supposed to be 75 degrees, and on Saturday it is supposed to be 79 degrees. This is why at this time of year in South Carolina everyone you meet has a cough, cold or pneumonia. Anyway, the next thing that came on the news caught my attention, mainly because I like trivia--I am just full of useless information, but I think it is cool to learn silly facts that are just fun to know, but will never get you a better job, make you rich or do anything at all but cause people to look at you like you are totally crazy, which I admit I am.
Today is Square Root Day. The date is 3/3/09, and 3 is the square root of 9. This only happens nine times in a century. So far this century it has hapened on 1/1/01 and 2/2/04. After today, Square Root Day will not happen again until 4/4/16. The rest of the Square Root Days for this century are 5/5/25; 6/6/36; 7/7/49; 8/8/64; and 9/9/81.
On March 14th we will have Pi Day. The mathematical equivalent for Pi is 3.141592. Other days that are notable are called Power Days. Depending on how you write the date can make Power Days different in various countries. For instance, today's date in this country would be written 3/3/2009, but in some places it is acceptable to write it as 3 March 2009. Power days are those that the first number to the power of the second number equals the year. Depending on how you write the date, the next Power Day is either 2/11/2048 or 2 November 2048. This means that 2 to the 11th power is 2048. Other Power Days are 3/7/2187 or 3 July 2187 and 7/4/2401 or 7 April 2401.
Now, aren't all of you impressed that you spent the time to read all the way to here to learn something this silly???? Now you can go impress your friends with this bit of trivia. Enjoy!!

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