Sunday, January 25, 2009


These are the first pictures of my new grandchild. It is way too early to know if it will be a grandson or granddaughter. I am amazed by these, as when I had my children Ultrasounds were not done and you found out if you were having a son or daughter on the day they were born. This picture does not really show the baby well, but on the bottom you can see he/she has a strong, steady heartbeat. My daughter and son-in-law were able to hear the heartbeat for the first time. What more can you want?

On this picture you can actually see the tiny person. The head is to the left, the bidy to the right. Remember, this baby at this point is not even an inch long yet. I can hardly wait for him/her to get larger and stronger so we are able to actually recognize where everything is. Keep coming back--as I get more information I'll share it with you.

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