Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Lavinia Lloyd Dock

It is an injustice to summarize the life of Lavinia Dock: Her brilliance sparked many causes and not just in nursing. Born February 26, 1858 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, she was one of six children. Well educated, she is said to have been inspired to enter nursing after reading a magazine article. Below are some hughlights of her life:
1886--Graduated Bellevue Training School for Nurses
1888--During a yellow fever epidemic in Jacksonville Florida ran ward with Jane
1889--Worked at Johnstown, Pennsylvania Flood
1890--Assistant superintendent under Isabel Haspton at Johns Hopkins
1893--Present at founding of the Society of Superintendents of Training Schools
1893--Became superintendent at Illinois Training School ["I was really a failure"]
1896--Joins with Lillian Wald at the Henry Street Settlement where she lives and works for the next 20 years. She claimed she never thought until this time.
Very Instrumental
  • Society of Superintendent of Training Schools, served as secretary
  • 1896 Dock was chairperson and secretary of the Committee on a National Association that founded the Nurses' Associated Alumnae
  • International Council of Nurses; founded with Ethel Gordon Fenwick; served as Secretary from 1900-1922
  • Volunteer faculty at Teachers College in Hospital Economics program
  • Contributing Editor for AJN "Foreign Department" 1900-1923
  • Wrote History of Nursing with Adelaide Nutting
  • Joined Alice Paul's Advisory Council of the National Woman's Party

Social Activism:

1907--Joined Equality League of Self Supporting Women; ran suffrage newsstand in front of their office

Involved with Social Reform Club. ALso worked with New York Women's Trade Union League

1909--Walked picket line for Shirtwaist strike

1913--Spoke at ANA Convention urging nurses to support union movement

1910--Hygiene & Morality published; called for abolition of double standard of morality; abolis, not regulate prostitution, suffrage for women, self control for men

1912--Walked with four other women from New York City to Albany on a Suffrage hike

1913--Organized marchers from the Lower East Side for the Suffrage Parade; carried banners in ten languages

1917--Led suffrage pickets from the National Women's Party Headquarters to the White House. Was jailed June 25 and August 17, 1917, and again August 6, 1918 for participating in militant demonstrations

With LEnore O'Reilly founded a local of the Unite Garment Workes of AMerica at a Henry Street Workshop. Encouraged workers to unite in trade unions.

Crusader against venereal disease; early member of American Society of Sanitary and MOral Prophylaxis

1921--Praised birth control leader Margaret Sanger: "for teaching to poor women waht all well-to-do women may learn from reliable authority"

Active in National Women's Party

COndemned World War I

1916--Moved back with family in Pennsylvania

1922--Resigned as ICN secretary

1923--Resigned from American Journal of Nursing

1947--Attended ICN at Atlantic City, age 89

1956--Fell, broke hip, died April 17

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