Because Matthew decided he could not wait until August 24th to be born, Victoria had no one with her when she had to go to the hospital on August 15th. We were due to arrive late on August 19th, but until then there was no one. Victoria's neighbors were wonderful and took Jonathan and Clara into their homes and cared for them. As soon as Vic and Virginia heard Victoria was in the hospital they dropped everything they were doing and went to Victoria's home. They brought Victoria food, cared for the children and even got Clara off to her first day of school. When Mike and I arrived they graciously left to go back home so we could have time with our daughter and grandchildren. Vic and Virginia now have 18 grandchildren and even a couple great-grantchildren. When Clara was born--and she also came early--Virginia was here in Charleston. She had come here to be part of Victoria's baby shower. She was due to go home the day before it turned out Clara was to be born. Clara was seven weeks early, and I know Virginia was as concerned as I was, but again she let me do the "firsts" and stepped back. Vic and Virginia are wonderful people and Victoria is lucky to have such great in-laws.
Grandma Ginia and Matthew
Grandpa Vic and Jonathan
Grandpa Vic and Jonathan
Grandpa Vic and Jonathan have a special understanding
Grandma Ginia and Matthew